Monday, June 28, 2010

Ariel Dominguez Chapter 4--Happiness short lived

Ariel (24) Frances (27 Their kids: Alexa, Benjamin and Estelle (4)
Narrated by Ariel.
Ariel Dominguez ch4
Life has not been as great as I would like. How can so much happen to a 24 year old? I guess there is too much just too much that can happen.
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My kids are now five years old. We really didnt celebrate their birthday because we are so financially strapped for cash right now. Any money we had we literally spent it all on the house. We both got lottery win ($37,000) and we paid off our loan. I am so happy that we are done with our mortgage but in truth we are now more in debt that ever.
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It was also a blessing that I received the news that I was pregnant. Frances was happy because we were ready to have another baby. I was having bad morning sickness. I got up in the middle of the night and realized that I was stained in blood.
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I was not that far along and I realized that I had miscarried our baby. I didnt need to go to the hospital but I was devastated.
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Frances did not want to try again for another baby. He thought that this was a sign for us to be happy with our four kids. I did not want to stop I wanted to be pregnant and actually enjoy a baby rather than running around trying to feed them all at once.
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Before we knew it I announced both to my sister Asia and my husband that I was pregnant again. We were so excited because it was a while before I conceived. My sister and Frances was worried but I was happy to be expecting.
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Shortly after I had another miscarriage and this was what hurt our marriage the most. I wanted to get back to health and try again but Frances denied me. He told me he was done and that it would not happen again. He wanted me to get on birth control and I denied him. For the first time I felt that he wanted out of this marriage.
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I was so depressed because of my miscarriages. I thought that there was something I was doing wrong. I spent hours in the bath tub thinking what went wrong.

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If things could not be worse we were robbed. I thank God everyday that Frances made us put that alarm in. The police caught the robber but it was still a risk I rather not take again.
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I had fallen into a deep depression after that. I thought that everything was my fault for not being careful. Frances was telling me that it was not my fault.
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Frances and I barely talked to each other. We only talked when we made well now it was just having sex. I was getting tired of being pressured to act normal. How could I when I was not. How else could you explain 2 miscarriages?
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Finally after months of my attitude I decided to change things around but it was too late. Frances told me that he was tired of seeing me and needed a break. That break included him moving out. I was floored when he told me but I had my pride. I did not beg him to stay and if he wanted to leave then fine. I was not going to stop him.
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I saw him leave and I thought to myself "this is the man I married?" I honestly thought he would be with me yet at first sign of trouble he leaves me.
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Life has a funny way of working out. It seems that after Frances left he left me with a little present. Yes I was finally pregnant. Right after I had resigned myself to no more kids I noticed that I was pregnant. Frances doesn't know. His phone got cut off and I have not been able to reach him. He's left messages saying he has no money. Go figure. Need I say that my mama warned me?
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Time passed and my beautiful baby girl Nianna was born. There is no one here to help by my children and myself. I know we can make it with or without Frances in our lives.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Suki Dominguez-Bruenig Ch 7

Suki (31) her husband Toby (34)
Their children: Madison (4), twins: Donnatella and Annatella (4)
Narrated by Toby
Suki chapter 7 round 12
The death of our nephew Darius has really hit our family hard. We are still shocked that he is gone. It seems that just yesterday he was back from college. Suki and I were more appreciative of what we have.
Suki chapter 7 round 12
Suki tucked everyone in for the night. We both decided to sacrifice a little and build a separate room for Madison. He will soon turn 5 and I am sure he will not like to be wakened up by crying 2 year olds.
Suki chapter 7 round 12
Suki is still busy with her business and its literally not going that great. She thought that she would rake more money than she has. For now a lot of our plans have been placed on hold.
Suki chapter 7 round 12
Suki's clients are becoming more consistent. I feel bad when I am about to go to sleep and I see that Suki is still doing somone's hair.
Suki chapter 7 round 12
It was the kid's birthday and in order to observe our mourning period we really didn't plan a party. Madison was a little upset since his cousins Hitoshi and Kanji got a pool party. We explained to him that this was prior to Darius' death. It's hard explaining that to kids. I made sure to give them all an extra hug before putting them to bed that night.

Atani Dominguez--Chapter 7

Atani (31), her husband Alec (36)
Their children: Hitoshi and Kanji (4) and Ja-Khan (1)
Narrated by Alec
Atani Chapter 7
Our family has expanded a lot since the birth of Ja-Khan. It has taken a bit to get used to having three kids instead of just the twins. It was good that we decided to wait because now the twins were about to be a little more independent. Atani and I were planning Hitoshi and Kanji's birthday celebration.
Atani Chapter 7
With Ja-Khan's birth Atani placed her dancing career completely on hold. I wanted her not to regret her decision but she said, "im a world class ballerina. They will hold my place" . I hope she's right. Her body seemed to bounce back but I just want her to be happy.
Atani Chapter 7
We decided to celebrate the boys birthday quitely. We had a small swimming pool party and invited her brother and sisters. We had a great turn out.
Atani Chapter 7
Atani was happy to see that Austin Miguel II was going to have another baby. My nephew was already 6 and it was time. I think Atani started thinking about having another baby when she saw Kea all pregnant.
Atani Chapter 7
For Ja-Khan's birthday we decided to have just a family dinner. Immediate family. Don't get me wrong I love my in-laws but with the recent death of my nephew Darius it didn't feel right to have a party. The twins got computer to help them with their homework. Atani and I have decided to enroll them in Private school so they need all the help they can get.
Atani Chapter 7
I come home and I go straight to Ja-Khan's room and pick him up to play with him. Now that my career is a little more stable I can relax more with the family.
Atani Chapter 7
It seems that Atani's dance company wants her back and pronto. The dance season is among us and Atani agreed to go back to work. I just hope that she doesn't worry too much about the boys. She is even contemplating getting them a full time nanny. I said no. We can do with a part-time nanny for now.